SDC Friends
The SDC Friends group is for adults who want to come together to reflect on the Word of God in the Bible and share in the spirituality of SDC and its founder. Meetings usually consist on two presentations led by members of the group themselves as well as time for discussions, reflection time and prayers.
Some members of the group also volunteer to help SDC in our activities with children and young people in the way they can including leading Catechism groups.
From time to time, days for reflection and prayer on chosen themes including Liturgical seasons like Lent and Advent as well as various aspects of SDC spirituality or Bible related themes are organised.
Most of the meetings are currently taking place online on Zoom every Friday at 7:30 p.m. Once a month, meetings are held in person at the SDC House, Upper Norwood and streamed online.
Societas Doctrinæ Christianæ M.U.S.E.U.M.
St George Preca Street
Marsa MRS 9090
Malta EU