This work consists of a collection of instructions taken from various eminent writers on the spiritual life. It is meant to be a course to help the reader attain the attitude of despising all that is worldly while appreciating all spiritual values.
Throughout the book Christ, as the teacher, is imagined to be the speaker instructing the reader. However, the truth and righteousness of each instruction must be properly weighed and evaluated by the reader.
The ones who can pronounce judgment on this book are only those who have carefully read and meditated on it, who have looked therein for inspiration, for its practice, and for that peace of mind which is meant to be communicated to those who have a good disposition, namely, to those who are prepared to listen.
The work is divided into sessions on various topics called “Instructions”.• In order that the reader may receive the full spiritual profit from its reflection and study, it is suggested that no more than one Intrusction a day be read, till the whole course of assigned sessions is covered.
This book is mainly written for those who would like to deepend their relation with Jesus Christ and continue to cultivate their faith.
The reader is asked to invoke the Blessed Trinity before each Instruction by making the sign of the cross and say this prayer:
God the Father, receive the Divine Wounds of your beloved Son and our brother, Jesus Christ.
I offer them to you asking for your Holy Spirit. Amen.
This is The Gymnasium For The Spiritual Life, Instruction 21:
The person who truly loves God.
My child, today I propose this subject for your thoughtful consideration:
Spiritual perfection consists in love, and in love there is no fear. In order that you can in some way discover what stage you have reached in spiritu¿al life, I put before you a model of the person who truly loves God.
The persons who truly loves God unreservedly – and consequently are living a life of perfection – possesses three hearts in one:
(i) A heart of fire for God (consuming love for God), which makes them choose to do God’s will completely and in everything rather than their own will, even at the cost of his own life. Such a person resigns himself to God’s will and, finding pleasure only in glorifying his name, they encourage others to do the same.
(ii) A heart of flesh for others (gentle love for others) with which they sincerely and unselfishly shows mercy towards everybody, and treat others as they want others to treat them. Moreover, they are not only keen not to do to others what they do not want others to do to them, but also to see that this is not done. They rejoice with those who rejoice, and are sad with those in sorrow (cf. Rm 12, 15).
(iii) A heart of stone for themselÏf (a disciplined love for oneself) with which they chastise their evil inclinations knowing that, the more one suffers and practises self-denial during this life, the greater will be their glory in the hereafter.
Spiritual perfection is seated in love, and love is the fulfilment of the law: “You must love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second resembles it: You must love your neighbour as yourself” (Mt 22, 37-39).
He who love bind themself to the object of their love and becomes one. Therefore, when you love God, who is love, God abides in you and you in God.